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New Horizons Band of Melbourne
Music programs for adults of all ages
Renewing the love of music
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Reheasals will resume January 7th
The New Horizons Band of Melbourne is simply a fun band to be a part of! We offer an education based program that targets people who may not have played in a while as well as complete beginners. So dust off that instrument you haven't touched since high school - or even pick a new one that you've always wanted to play - and come join us. While we are mostly older adults, the band is open to players of all ages and abilities. Home schooled musicians who can handle a two hour rehearsal are welcome, too! Improvement is our constant companion because "the better you get, the more fun it is!"
Want to learn more? Stop by and visit us.
1924 Melody Lane, directly behind the Melbourne Auditorium.
Enter from Fee Avenue, next to the library.
Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Bring your instrument and join in - no audition required.
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